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enAmnesty for the police!On Thursday, November 13, 2008, was closed the last of the three large first-level trials for the events tied to the protests against the G8 of July 2001 in Genoa. [Press release] Please doTorture, threaten, trample and crush the rights of the people, particularly if you belong to the forces of law and order, and they are demonstrators: in this country, that's a "nothing" crime. In contrast, breaking a window is one of the most serious crimes anyone could be possessed to do. The people are nothing. "Stuff" is everything. That is the moral that emerges from the Genoa trials. March 2008 - Update on the Genoa Court Cases - Trailing linesSo we are finally almost there: one of the four court cases around the events of july 2001 in Genoa has seen its first grade sentence, while other three are drawing to a close within the summer. By supportolegale at 26 Mar 2008 - 10:13 | english | leggi tutto
Cosenza, Sud Ribelle: 50 years requestedA 50-year sentence, was the request of the prosecutor for the alleged "Sud Ribelle" ("Rebel South") defendants. This sentence is linked with the final bars of the trial that is taking place in Cosenza, which involves 13 codefendants, charged under various Titles of the law against Sud ribelle Trial: the 24th of january the Prosecutor will vomit everything upCosenza, 01/21/2008. In today's hearing of the trial of the thirteen activists - accused of subversion of the economic order constituted by the state with the goal of destroying the cities of Naples and Genoa in 2001 - a single certainty was born: on Thursday, January 24th, from 9:30 a.m. on, Dr. Domenico Fiordalisi, representing the ROS and DIGOS special-ops police forces and others, wil vomit up all his hatred towards social struggles. Today there appeared the state prosecutor, who completed his speech in two words ("My associate") and he also on Thursday morning will tell of his own hatred of the same. Then the technical experts and consultants were heard. By supportolegale at 23 Gen 2008 - 12:37 | english | leggi tutto
[press release] In any case, no regret.The sentence of the trial against the 25 demonstrators for the Genoa g8 riots has fixed the price to pay for expressing our own ideas and going against the actual state of things: 110 years of jail. The tribunal, formed by chief judge Devoto and two associate judges Gatti and Realiani, was not brave enough to oppose to the savage reconstruction of the collective history towards the power that the public prosecutors Andrea Canciani e Anna Canepa asked to guarantee. To top it all, the Court has also given a consolation prize to the defence lawyers and to all the "honest citizens": the files on the false statements given by two Carabinieri (military police) and two policemen will be the start of an investigation, a sweetener that does not mitigate the importance of the sentence and a pittance that we strongly reject. The Genoa court has decided to support all those political forces, all those conventional thinkers, all those lawyers that - consciously - hoped that a few, even less that the 25 defendants, would be condemned to drew a sigh of relief, to point their finger dripping with morals and guilty conscience. The same thing has happened inside large parts of the movement, with a lot of people trying to sabotage the messages of the demo that only three weeks ago has filled the streets of Genoa. They created confusion about who was fighting for a different life and society and who was protecting the actual state of things, maybe because their dignity is confused too. So, many words were said and written about a possible parliamentary committee of enquiry, about Truth and Justice, yet too few words about those 25 people who were going to be the scapegoats of a scared power. Yet Genoa can't be erased with an act of revisionism by the Court, nor with hypocritical and opportunistic choices and skeletons hidden in the cupboard. The 80.0000 people that last November, 17th have marched in Genoa were not asking for a parliamentary committee of enquiry; they wanted to state loud and clear that 25 people can't shield an inconvenient historical passage that questioned so strongly our lifestyle and society. We believe that those 80.000 people are listening to us and will not let a Court expropriate their memory and devastate the lives of 24 people. We believe that all of those who were in Genoa should scream: in any case, no regret. No regret for the streets taken from the rebels, no regret for the terror of the G8 closed inside the red zone, no regret for the barricades, for the broken windows, for the foam-rubber protections, for the plexiglass shields, for the black dresses, for the white hands, for the pink dances, no regret for the resolution we questioned the power for some days. Torino: no charge of devastating and looting for the antifascistsToday, 10th of december, we got the first judgement for the antifascists accused of devastating and looting during the antifa demo that took place in Torino in June 2005. news (in italian): http://piemonte.indymedia.org/article/766 a short summary of what happened in Torino in June 2005: During the night a fascist action squad got into the Barocchio squat in Torino with knives and sticks: 2 anarchists got wounded, one of them got severely wounded in his intestine and had to be operated. It was just by chance that nobody died. By supportolegale at 10 Dic 2007 - 12:12 | english | leggi tutto
Why we say no to a parliamentary inquiry and yes to a mass solidarity demoSupportolegale has been dealing with Genoa G8 court cases for 4 years now, as a collective made up of people who have been protagonists, together with thousands of other people, of those events that made Genoa e crucial node of our lives and histories. The november 17th demo was born first and foremost out of the generic call to mobilization on the Genoa courtcases we published as Supportolegale on 2 Itlaian left-wing newspapers - Liberazione and Il Manifesto - few weeks before the demo. Supportolegale chose to promote and participate in the organization of the demo in order to keep the event focused on the defence of the 25 protestors who are being used as scapegoat of those days of our collective history. What is happening in these years in the Courts of Genoa - and Cosenza - aims at terrorizing the most spontaneous and decentralized forms of social and political organizing. This is why we called out the demo using the refrain: "We are history". We are history - a call to mobilization for november 17th 2007We are history - a call to mobilization for november 17th 2007 It's been years we have asked everybody to take responsibility as Update on Genoa Court Case: 225 years of jail asked for 25 protestorsOct 2007 - Updates on Genoa Court Case Genoa court case are not ending tomorrow, but they are drawing to a close, an people seems to have forgotten what Genoa meant and how big part of history we have been when we decided to take the streets in those days of july 2001. Summer (june) 2007 Update on Genoa G8 Court CasesUpdate on the Genoa Legal Cases - summer 2007 For background info: By supportolegale at 20 Giu 2007 - 21:50 | english | leggi tutto
Genoa: the trial of 25 activists starts againOn the 16th of January, the trial against 25 activists charged with "sacking and devastation" during the Group of 8 Summit held in Genoa in July 2001, was opened again after a long continuance, due to the decision to change some judges of the Court. The hearings should go on for one month, until the 16th of February. By supportolegale at 2 feb 2007 - 19:03 | english | leggi tutto
(Amnesty International) Five years after G8 Genoa policing operationAMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Public Statement AI Index: EUR 30/005/2006 (Public) http://www.amnestyusa.org/news/document.do?id=ENGEUR300052006 FIVE YEARS AFTER THE G8 GENOA POLICING OPERATIONS: ITALIAN AUTHORITIES MUST TAKE CONCRETE ACTION TO PREVENT AND PROSECUTE POLICE BRUTALITY IN ALL CIRCUMSTANCES [Diaz] The mystery of the cut video seized during the Diaz raidThe author of the video testifies: the sequence of a beating was cut. After his testimony the videomaker from Bologna was stopped by two policemen: “They threatened me†SIMONE PIERANNI By supportolegale at 24 Mar 2006 - 20:48 | english | leggi tutto
[Press Release] The cut of the witnesses was just a misundetstanding". Court rectifies.There won't be any cut of the offended parties. Genoa's Court remarks there was a misunderstanding regarding the decree of February, 8th, which raised doubts about the chance to cut the number of witnesses to listen to. By supportolegale at 19 feb 2006 - 21:04 | english | leggi tutto
Press release] Diaz Trial: Decrees and JudgmentsTwo months after the beginning of the trial about the Diaz events, court president Barone has issued a decree according to which from now on judges will only listen to witnesses with new evidence or with evidence which has not been admitted by the court yet -- provided that other witnesses can be examined as regards their injuries. By supportolegale at 15 feb 2006 - 16:13 | english | leggi tutto
[Diaz] Court clarifies that "Reduction in number of plaintiff witnesses was misunderstanding".Genoa, 16.02.06 There will be no reduction to the number of plaintiff testimonies. The Genoa court underlined that fears raised by a court order of February 8 - that the number of plaintiffs/witnesses for the prosecution would be cut - were based on a misunderstanding. The court president, Barone, has issued a new court order making it clear that all the plaintiffs in the trial will testify, at least about the damage and injuries suffered. They will also be able to testify about "new, different, or more precise information" on facts that have already been confirmed. By supportolegale at 14 feb 2006 - 14:42 | english | leggi tutto
[indymedia.org] Witnesses Reclaim Truth in GenovaOn the 11th January the witnesses hearings restarted in court for the trial against the policemen who raided the Diaz school on the 21st July 2001, at the end of the G8 protests in Genoa. [Diaz] The dramatic beating of Mark CovellJanuary 25, 2006 - 21st hearing in Diaz Trial The dramatic beating of journalist Mark Covell British media activist Mark Covell testified in court during the 21st hearing of the Diaz process, giving a clear, precise account. He entered the Diaz School late in the evening, together with someone else. Not long after, the alarm was sounded over the police raid. The two left and tried to get away. Covell's friend managed to hide in the Pascoli School. Covell was less fortunate. "I was surrounded by five police officers. I remember shouting 'I'm a journalist!', but a police officers showed me his baton and said to me in English: 'You're Black Bloc and we kill people who are Black Block'. He started hitting me on every part of my body. I stayed standing and then I was charged by police with shields. It all took about two or three minutes." This was the first time Covell was beaten. [Diaz] Video of Raid in CourtroomGenoa, 11th January 2006 Three witnesses testified during the 19th hearing in the trial into the raid on the Diaz School, speaking to a courtroom packed with Italian and foreign journalists.The first was Bill Hayton, the BBC journalist working in Genoa as an independent professional "as most of the BBC journalists were assigned to the Red Zone" and he believed it important to follow events linked to the anti-G8 demonstrations. He was summoned to the Media Centre of the Pascoli School by a colleague, Mark Covell, to view a film of Carlo Giuliani's murder. Hayton's testimony was punctuated by phone records of his calls to the BBC. There's a gap between 12:06 am and 12:44 am when the police, having also entered the Pascoli School, stopped him from using his phone for an interview. He was blocked as a police "hostage" for 40 minutes, and was only able to cross over to the opposite school once the police left, where he found the blood and destruction left by the raid. Supporto Print # 3; text versionSupporto Legale 2005-2006 For more than a year, Supporto Legale has been fighting on the battleground of the repressors: in the courtrooms. For us, it means dealing with a contradiction on a daily basis: we we trust neither justice system nor democratic state. We don't believe we will find truth and justice in a courtroom. But nor do we want the courts to freely enforce their own version of "justice". [processo ai 25] 69th hearingGenoa, 13th December 2005 This marked the eleventh hearing in which the already notorious Zampese appeared - now, more than ever, the absolute star of the event. Canciani gave way - somewhat unwillingly - letting him assume control of the mouse and computer, and Zampese (employed at the G8 Office, set up especially to investigate the summit events, and appearing in the eighth consecutive hearing as a witness) did everything alone. He chose the finds, the photos, the frames, the audio reels, all the while giving his own - personal - opinions. The 69th hearing in the trial against the 25 demonstrators accused of destruction and looting continued, with the occasional memory and pronunciation problem on the part of the witness. The tour he offered of Genoa - via finds and photos - carried the court along Corso Buenos Aires, Piazza Tommaseo, Via Pozzo, Via Dassori and Via Montesuello. In other words, the route the prosecution has described as that "taken by the Black Bloc". In today's hearing, Zampese made it as far as Friday 20 July, at around 1pm. At that point, even the Court threw in the towel. The trials into events during the Genoa G8 summit continue. As does the work of SupportolegaleSupport and assistance for the Genoa Segreteria Legale, the Cosenza trial and events in Naples in 2001 is still going on. Supporto Legale is continuing its committed work in support of the Segreteria Legale and lawyers involved in the trials stemming from events at the Genoa G8 summit (including that in Cosenza) and Naples in March 2001. Set up by a group of media activists from the Indymedia network, together with activists from across Italy, the team is working hard, focusing on communication and information, as well as the more technical and financial side. By supportolegale at 25 N 2005 - 00:02 | english | leggi tutto
[Diaz] "This is your last G8"Genoa, November 17 Ninth hearing in the trial against 29 top police officials, charged with grievous bodily harm, falsifying evidence and fabricating charges, following the raid on the complex known as the "Diaz schools" By supportolegale at 17 N 2005 - 00:22 | english | leggi tutto
[processo ai 25] Flashes of memoryGenoa, November 15 65th hearing against the 25 demonstrators accused of destruction and looting during the Genoa G8 summit. Zampese, who has failed to testify on four separate occasions, was again expected to take the stand this morning. However, the hearing was brief, and most of it took place in chambers. The public prosecutor presented a brief regarding the court's decision to disallow material regarding the position of one of the defendants, because it was received after the investigation had officially closed. By supportolegale at 15 N 2005 - 00:25 | english | leggi tutto
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